L’École Estienne a signé la charte Erasmus et s’engage ainsi à respecter les principes fondamentaux concernant les activités européennes Erasmus.
Mobilité pour les étudiants français
- Les étudiants de DSAA, DSC, DCN et DT doivent effectuer obligatoirement un séjour de 3 mois à l’étranger, soit en entreprise soit en université, pendant leur première année
Pour ces séjours, les étudiants peuvent bénéficier de financements de l’Europe (Erasmus +), de l’Île-de-France ou de l’OFAJ.
- Les étudiants de DNMADE peuvent s’ils le désirent effectuer un stage à l’étranger à la fin de la 2è année.
Le participant en situation de handicap peut bénéficier d’une bourse spécifique Erasmus +.
Les étudiants de DSAA passent le TOEIC, test d’anglais systématiquement demandé à l’embauche par de nombreuses entreprises.
Accueil des étudiants étrangers
Il existe, pour un étudiant étranger, 3 possibilités d’intégrer l’École Estienne :
- Le dispositif Erasmus
L’école accueille des étudiants Erasmus qui sont intégrés dans une section (DNMADE ou DSAA). La reconnaissance de leur parcours se fait par les crédits ECTS.
L’étudiant doit s’adresser à son école d’origine qui organisera l’échange Erasmus.
Il est proposé à l’étudiant le cursus suivant par semestre :
- Ateliers de création
(illustration, design graphique, typographie) : 12 ECTS - LEG (laboratoire d’expérimentation graphique) (1) : 8 ECTS
- FLE (français langue étrangère) : 3 ECTS
- Design for sustainability : 4 ECTS
- Dessin : 3 ECTS
Si compatible avec les emplois du temps
Equivalence de notes
A+ 17-20 | A 15-16 | A- 14 | B+ 13 | B 12 | B- 11 | C 10 | F inf à 10 |
- le cursus complet de l’école
Les étudiants étrangers qui souhaitent intégrer une section et faire un cursus complet à l’École, doivent obligatoirement s’inscrire sur le site internet Parcoursup pour les BTS et DNMADE ou directement sur le site de l’école pour les DSAA.
Ils peuvent prétendre à la fin du cursus au diplôme (DNMADE, BTS ou DSAA).
Il leur sera demandé un bon niveau de français. (C1)
Welcoming foreign students
There are 3 possibilities for a foreign student to join the Estienne School:
- The Erasmus scheme The school welcomes Erasmus students who are integrated into a section (DNMADE or DSAA). Their path is recognized by ECTS credits. The student should contact his home school which will organize the Erasmus exchange. The student is offered the following course per semester:
- Creative workshops (illustration, raphic design, typography): 12 ECTS
- LEG (graphic experimentation laboratory) (1): 8 ECTS
- FLE (French as a foreign language): 3 ECTS
- Design for sustainability: 4 ECTS
- Drawing: 3 ECTS
If compatible with the timetables
- the complete curriculum of the school
Foreign students who wish to integrate a section and complete a full course at the school must register on the Parcoursup website for the BTS and DNMADE or directly on the school website for the DSAA.
At the end of the course, they can apply for a diploma (DNMADE, BTS or DSAA).
They will be asked to have a good level of French. (C1)
Guide for Foreign Students
The school is located in central Paris near the Place d’Italie., the nearest underground stations being Place d’Italie and Corvisart.
As for public transport, please visit the website :
There is no hall of residence. The school does not provide accommodation but can help students to find suitable lodgings. It is also possible to arrange a swap with a French student during the second semester while they are abroad.
These websites may help you : and
Student card
The school provides a student card which you may use to gain free entry or reduced entry to most of the museums in Paris. The card also entitles you to a reduction on public transport.
Erasmus students are not required to pay fees.
If your school does not participate in the Erasmus exchange programme there is a charge of 700 € per semester to cover the cost of tuition.
Social security / Illness
If you are an Erasmus student you do not need to make a contribution to social security. You must, however, bring a European medical card from your own country. If, however, you are not an Erasmus student, you have to follow the link below and use the code 75013:
There is a refectory at the college which provides meals at lunchtime only. It costs about 4 €. But you have to pay for the whole semester. You may bring your lunch and eat at the “foyer”.
Regular attendance is expected at all classes.
If you attend regularly you will be eligible for maximum credits (30 ECTS per semester and only for Erasmus students.)
It is possible for you to use the library facilities and to borrow books. Please consult the Erasmus coordinator for further details.
French as a foreign language (FLE)
If you wish, you may have free French lessons for one or two hours per week. (3 ECTS)
Toussaint : from Saturday 17h October 2020 to Monday 2nd November 2020
Christmas : from Saturday 19st December 2020 to Monday 4th January 2021
Winter : from Saturday 6 th February 2021 to Monday 22th March 2021
Spring : from Saturday 10th April 2021 to Monday 26th April 2021
Bank account
If you want advice as to how to open a bank account, visit the website : expatica — open a bank account information